serengeti migrations

Best Time to Visit Tanzania for Safari and Adventure

Like many other travellers, you are out to have the best experience on your vacation and great timing does the trick, so you now have this question in your mind “when is the best time to visit Tanzania?”

The best time to visit is largely dependent on what you want to visit & how you want your visit to be. All this can be largely influenced by the weather at your time of visit

Throughout the year you can visit Tanzania attractions but it is during the dry season (June to October) that is regarded by many as the best time to visit Tanzania

Why June to October is the best time to visit Tanzania?

  • First of all, the skies are clear and most day is sunny (perfect weather for your stay)
  • Secondly, animals are easier to spot as with water shortages the vegetation weakens thus improving the visibility of animals who will be concentrated at water sources
  • Furthermore, this period will cover the two highlights of the migration “The Grumeti river crossing” and “The Mara river crossing”
  • Easy mobility, moving around is easier when it is dry unlike rainy season
  • Moreover, it is the perfect time to hike The Kilimanjaro as it’s favourable weather and more summit chances
  • fewer mosquitoes unlike the rainy season which is a favourable condition for mosquitoes
  • easier to do group tours, group activities, and greater parties
  • lastly, there are plenty and more options for activities to do during the dry season

Few considerations against this period

  • Prices are high
  • Many travellers as it is peak season, if your preference is a quiet trip
  • Very dusty roads

Other favourable times to visit Tanzania

November to March


  • it is expected to be dry, sunny and with fewer travellers so it is a great time for a visit
  • little chances for short rains which are expected in December & January


  • the great wildebeest migration herds are back in the Serengeti
  • weather will be between sunny and short rain showers (to reduce the dust)
  • the scenery starts to get greener & beautiful
  • small peak season around festival season

January to February

  • the great wildebeest migration calving season, this is yet another highlight of the migration with about half a million new-borns through this period
  • it is also an excellent time for predator action
  • the scenery is green and beautiful


  • this is a grey time, not clear if it will be dry or perhaps the rainy season will begin
  • almost end of wildebeest calving season

April to May

this is probably the least favourable time to visit Tanzania as it is expected to be the rainy season therefore very difficult to move around or enjoy the sun

but there are some advantages for this period

  • lower rates
  • green and beautiful
  • migratory birds are present and bird watching is at its best
  • fewer travellers (low season)
kilimanjaro climbing via lemosho route

10 Reasons Why You Should Hike Mt Kilimanjaro

Why do 40,000 people a year seek to hike the world’s highest freestanding mountain and highest in Africa?. The mountain is so popular, now well known as “Everyman’s Everest”.

Below, are the top ten reasons why you should hike Mt Kilimanjaro, from the most practical to the most profound:

1. Kilimanjaro is Africa’s highest point and one of the seven summits. It needs no technical skills or climbing equipment to conquer the summits. In other words, a beginner without any experience on big mountains can safely and successfully make it to the top.

Note: Technically, the easiest to climb of the world’s Seven Summits is Kilimanjaro.

2. A week’s walk from the equator to the north poleKilimanjaro is a snow-covered mountain on the equator. Climbing Kilimanjaro is like hiking from the equator to the North Pole in a week. It provides dramatic changes in vegetation and animal life day by day. Making it one of the world’s greatest wonders

3. A world on its own. Did you know? while the entire United States enjoys 7 climatic zones, Mount Kilimanjaro enjoys 5?. The Mountain guarantees an experience that is out of this world, scenic changes in vegetation and climate creates that feeling of “traversing through different worlds within just a few hours.”

Kilimanjaro’s 5 climatic zones.

Cultivation: Farmlands, small villages, coffee and fruit plantations.

Rain forest: Most wildlife is be found here.

Heather-Moorland: Shrubs and unique flora are everywhere.

Alpine Desert: Unique landscapes featuring volcanic rocks in varied shapes and sizes, and also extreme temperatures.

Glacier Summit: An arctic zone.

4. Kilimanjaro is a pristine getaway to connect with nature. Staying a minimum of four nights of camping and walking through different vegetation is refreshing and will make you reconnect with nature especially when coming from major cities.

5. The mountain that inspires. Whether you want to inspire yourself or others towards a cause hiking Kilimanjaro can be it, Kilimanjaro belongs to Tanzania, the first nation in East Africa to win independence from colonial powers (it was then called Tanganyika). Before independence in 1959, soon-to-be President Julius Nyerere said: “We, the people of Tanganyika, would like to light a candle and put it on the top of Mount Kilimanjaro which would shine beyond our borders giving hope where there was despair, love where there were hate and dignity where before there was only humiliation.” Today, the summit is called Uhuru Peak–Uhuru is the Swahili word for “Freedom.”.

Fact: President Nyerere went on to inspire freedom & liberate east & southern African countries

6. A hot spot for studying climate change, global warming is one of the most debated topics with many arguing for & against it, from prominent global leaders to young activists all with great conviction to their arguments. The Kilimanjaro shrinking glaciers have been used for so long as evidence to support arguments for global warming therefore it is one of the best places for you to clear your doubts and take a stand.

7. Hiking Kilimanjaro is not very difficult but also not an easy task with many hikers claiming it is one of the most challenging tasks they have done both at a physical and mental level. Climb Kilimanjaro, stand on the roof of Africa and see the world in a different way. A mountain top is a place for vision, inspiration, and a new beginning. As the famous song by Juluka goes: “I’m sittin’ on top of Kilimanjaro, I can see a new tomorrow. I’m sittin’ on top of Kilimanjaro. I cast away all my sorrows.

Tip: Kilimanjaro is a worthy accomplishment to brag about.

8. Kilimanjaro, Picturesque & Stunning. the scenery from the trail start to the summit is amazing, from its green vegetation, the kissing rock to the summit. You will be rewarded with great scenes, views of sunrise, sunsets, the summit and if planned well great view of the full moon

Other reasons why you should consider hiking the Kilimanjaro

9. Africa’s best safaris, as you will already be in Tanzania a safari to Serengeti & Ngorongoro crater is a worthy extension one not to miss considering these wildlife destinations are arguably the best in the world. However, they are just the tip of the iceberg with over 26 national parks in Tanzania

Tip: Tanzania is home to half of the world’s lions.

10. Beach extensions, Tanzania has a large coast but the archipelago islands of Zanzibar are the most known for clean, crystal waters and stunning beaches.